This is reliable and my friend is one of them. Wtf? He's from ITE and moblised for this thing. Not as if ITE is under the elections department.
date for the elections? any idea? like march april?
that's food for speculation man haha. He has no idea too. Just got a letter to say he's moblised.
PAP is starting to make their moves.
A lot of propaganda on state TV talking about good economy.
As long as you're in the civil service there is a chance you're it. Hey, its good money, you get an allowance, for a day's work, its like 400 over bucks.
Now holiday mood.... make u extremely happy... nice time to do tat.. den before you start to grumble again.. quickly ballot first.... probably march i guess....
April lah, march I in camp and burn weekends how to vote? Aljunied GRC leh.
Originally posted by ditzy:April lah, march I in camp and burn weekends how to vote?
Aljunied GRC leh.
Got time off lah.... lol... sure kena big time... half day army roster.... 2 shifts liao....
january no holiday, feb only cny, so likely march holidays? haha. And the budget would be ready by feb. Goodies goodies.
CNA reported today that salaries have risen. Why so much recent news that salaries have risen? lol.
Because elections are round the corner, dude, you know the answer better than us all, and you still ask?
Originally posted by ditzy:Because elections are round the corner, dude, you know the answer better than us all, and you still ask?
well that's more a statement than a question, rather. lol
Originally posted by Rock^Star:CNA reported today that salaries have risen. Why so much recent news that salaries have risen? lol.
because of the coming mother fucking general elections?
They don't give me 5 digit ang bao, I won't vote for them.
pls la....give ang pao, the money's going to come back from somewhere. Think GST risen to help the poor?
Originally posted by Rock^Star:pls la....give ang pao, the money's going to come back from somewhere. Think GST risen to help the poor?
so they give you $20,000 ang bao, you still will vote opposition?
Originally posted by Vote PAP OUT to Save SG:so they give you $20,000 ang bao, you still will vote opposition?
Sure boh. $20,000 a person. U think we have 510 people in Singapore?
Originally posted by Vote PAP OUT to Save SG:so they give you $20,000 ang bao, you still will vote opposition?
u dream on ah :) $20,000 in real cash? The deficit will be deep. Give me $1m, I also will vote opposition.
Originally posted by Rock^Star:Give me $1m, I also will vote opposition.
Not bad. The fucking PAP bastards bribe you with $1m you still vote for opposition.
I like.
Originally posted by Vote PAP OUT to Save SG:Not bad. The fucking PAP bastards bribe you with $1m you still vote for opposition.
I like.
let's see 1m per singaporean, so.......3m singaporeans means $30 trillion? Wow not bad! GST will become 50% soon.
election's coming.
April 2011? So soon?
oh must be on my birthday wtf
According to reliable insider information, the PAP regime has mobilized its ballot officers in preparation for snap polls which is likely to take place next year before Chinese New Year.
A notice has been sent to the ballot officers requiring them to be readilly available in the event that an election is called.
Political analysts had earlier predicted the next general election to be held during the March or June holidays next year, but with the global economy entering uncharted terrains in 2011, the PAP may be considering calling for a snap poll to leverage on the ‘feel good’ factor among Singaporeans during the festive season.
The well-oiled PAP grassroots machinery has already been activated with the MPs holding frequent meetings with the PAP branch secretaries and grassroots leaders.
Nomination day is likely to be announced one or few days after the electoral boundaries are announced, like what happened in 2001 to catch the opposition off-guard again.
In the last few weeks, the PAP-controlled media has been churning out tonnes of propaganda hogwash in the guise of ‘good news’ such as the rising wages and bonuses to generate a heavy dose of positive publicity and goodwill for the PAP regime.
The opposition should brace themselves for the election to be called anytime soon either just before Chinese New Year or after the budget is announced where the PAP will hand out its usual ‘carrots’ to ‘encourage’ Singaporeans to vote for it.
Alan Au
Taken from temasek review.
Originally posted by Rock^Star:
The opposition should brace themselves for the election to be called anytime soon either just before Chinese New Year or after the budget is announced where the PAP will hand out its usual ‘carrots’ to ‘encourage’ Singaporeans to vote for it.
The PAP always has to stoop to such tricks for elections. They feel insecure.
Because they know they are despised by Singaporeans. Look at the turnout at their rallies and you know.
No one can even be bothered with them.
My position regarding 2011 generals elections is firm and clear.
If PAP during the elections do not give me
They give me a single cent less and I won't vote for them.