Foreigners will interview and get more of their comrade here.
Local are too proud and too hard to be controlled by the foreigners.
It is human nature.
Local will employ foreigners cos they are cheap.
Not the other way round.
If the lion city survival is solely dependent on one man, then the city is no different from any communist country.
It is strong cos it worked as a team in the past.
Now, only a few elite families are enjoying the fruit while the rest are suffering.
all along that's the plan of LKY what.............
fatten up S'poreans so he and family and their lackeys can milk us what..............
the common people on this island are like serfs..........
Originally posted by charlize:I say 85%.
Singaporeans are daft.
Let see how many are still daft this coming election. If it is really 85%, PAP must has rigged the result.
Something from Mr Brown.
Originally posted by tranquilice:
Let see how many are still daft this coming election.If it is really 85%, PAP must has rigged the result.
maybe the polls have been rigged for decades................who will know since PAP controls all mass media here...........
the US presidential elections have been rigged multiple times why not here
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:
maybe the polls have been rigged for decades................who will know since PAP controls all mass media here...........
the US presidential elections have been rigged multiple times why not here
But they don't control TR. Maybe TR can help find out if elections were really rigged all along.
They do not have to rig. Redrawing boundaries?