i dun play TCG, my other half does. i just go see how this TCG works

went to bras basah mcdonald's last night and saw like 8-11 guys playing and trading/selling cards. personally i think this is mad. the printing cost of those cards are like 5cents. you buy a small pack (dun know how many in 1) from the vendor for $6.50. blizzard at this point oready make >1000% profit. then those people there are selling ONE card for 8-25 dollars.
i'm okie with it as long as the transaction is not in front me (cos i would not know how much my other half spend). but then a few of them started to crowd around my table where my other half has his cards and started the "how much this card" business. OMG, at this point i was like "get away from me!!!"
anyway my darling said he made 50cents from trading/sell the cards last night. i was like "ya right, and how much have you spent in total?!?"
sorry man... so pissed off at how my other half spends on cards. even if the card is $1, u need like $1Xdunknowhowmany to make your deck.
a meal at hog's breathe cafe would be cheaper than a deck of flameable cards