Milk Run 2005Yes, there are a lot of children at the Run, but there are nothing Milk about it. They are pretty fast, even for the girls. I am impressed with the young ones doing 10km instead of shorter distance (5.3km).
It was a Hot day, well it seems hot, but it doesn’t bother me as I “think” I am used to it by now. Anyway I arrived at 3:10pm with Francis, 20 mins before the official starting off. Don’t even bother to register and just deposit with baggage with do.
The field isnÂ’t hugh for the 10km event, which is a blessing, as I believe most runners would have taken part in the OSIM Triathlon this morning, and donÂ’t even bother to run this. In fact, only people (loser) like me, ended up taking part in this event. DonÂ’t get me wrong, this event is for a good cause, and folks should join in and spread the world about youth commitment to the society. We do make mistake here and there, to know we have make a mistake and learn from it is part of growing up.
The 10km race starts shortly before 3:30pm by the Minister (no ideal what is name). It started slowly along the Riverwalk. Narrow road and mass people(I estimate about 500) jam up the space in front and I slowly ease my way forward. Saw a few foreigner with amusing eyes following our movement while having lunch or dinner or Brunch or whatever.
The route starts from Zouk, go along Riverwalk, then proceed to Esplanade and move on to the ECP bridge(somewhere near the 1.4km mark) and make a U-Turn back. The route at Esplanade is very crowd as I believe there is a dragon boat competition and lots of schools are involved.
I am glad that about 1.5km down the road, I am virtually overtaking everyone in front. I was feeling okay, donÂ’t dare to chiong to much as the weather is going to be hot. I reach the halfway mark(U-turn) around 27mins I think(not too sure), but the 2nd part is a bit tough, where the body get tired and the heat snap at the energy every steps I make. I predict a 50-55mins finished today, of course I want a better finishing, but sometime life is just like that.
It is until the last 1 km, where there are 2 persons overtaking myself, they overtook me, not from behind, but after I overtook them. I guess they are just conserving their energy for the last part. After I have overtook them, somehow their competitive nature have crept in and off they fought back (1 men & 1 girl). Anyway, it is good that I lure out their sleeping strength and push them on.
I finished the run in 54:40. I think it is a decent run as a whole. Francis came in around 63:00, which is very good. Saw Sukami, David & Max there.
Till next year, can someone pass me my MILK !!!