The Substation Moving Images presents
1st June 2009
The Substation Theatre
First Take, happening every 1st Monday of the month at The Substation, is a popular screening of new local short films and is followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers. A platform for new filmmakers and anyone who is interested in filmmaking to meet, exchange ideas and show their work. See the future talents of Singapore film!
1. CASTAWAY / MIHO / 7 MIN / 2008 / PG
A short documentary about an experienced old worker who still does the hard work of casting iron from metal waste. It is a craftsman’s trade that is turning obsolete because of the modernization of society.
2. A BUNDLE OF JOI / MELISSA HO / 13 MIN / 2008 / PG
A little girl's memory of her lost relationship with an unrelated old lady. They lived in a one room flat and their lives were set in simple contentment, though their housing area was a sedentary poor environment. A place where one could reminisce the past but would not seek comfort of one's minute existence.
Melissa majored in audio video production at NAFA, her inspiration comes from photography and her love for photography leads her to the path of film. There is no nostalgia in the future, but the moments of still.
3. THE 'D'ECISION / LI MINGHUI / 13 MIN / 2008 / PG
A short documentary film that explores the controversial issue of dying and the decisions that people have to make at a critical point in their life, as well as discovering the reasons to the decision made. There is no right or wrong answer, neither is there a definite answer, to the final decision. This film provokes the audience into thinking what the most appropriate solution is. It will challenge the audience to discover their reasons to their solutions.
The letter 'D' in the title represents 'Death', 'Dream'. The film puts the spotlight why and how people make a decision at that critical point in time, in this case, referring to the choice between choosing death and fighting for survival. Through the film, the audience will also discover the state of the characters when making such a choice.
A young art school graduate badly wants to go on vacation to Florida to revive his uninspired painting career, until he gains a new understanding of art – right at home in his small town.
Grace Teng is an amateur filmmaker currently fund raising to entry U.S.A. in a legit manner. Her previous films include MURPHY’S LAW (screened at First Take), IV LEAGUE and SUFFERING FOR SUCCESS (part of the S-Express Programme at the Asian Film Symposium) and humorous URBAN INVASION (screened also at First Take earlier this year). Visit her fundraising campaign website - – and make a pledge!
SUBMISSIONS ARE WELCOME ALL YEAR ROUND! For more information or to screen your work at First Take, please visit our website at The Substation - A home for the arts or contact the Programme Manager of Moving Images at 6337 7535 / [email][/email]
First Take is presented as part of The Substation Moving Images programme, supported by the Singapore Film Commission and Kodak as the main sponsor!
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