Games I'm currently playing:01. Burnout 3

Almost complete
02. Devil May Cry 3
03. Fifa 2005
04. The Simpsons - Hit and Run
Games I've completed and enjoyed very much01. Sengoku Musou (Samurai Warriors)
02. Onimusha 2
03. Onimusha 3
04. Metal Gear Solid 2
05. Metal Gear Solid 3
06. Harvest Moon - Save the Homeland
07. Makai Senki Disgaea
08. La Pucelle Tactics
09. Phantom Brave
10. Dark Cloud 2
11. Guilty Gear XX (unlocked everything...)
12. Capcom vs SNK 2, Millionaire Fighting (unlocked everything...)
13. Shin Sangoku Musou 2 (Dynasty Warriors 3)
14. Tales of Eternia (PS2 Version)
15. Monster Rancher 3
16. Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter
17. Red Dead Revolver
Games I've yet to complete but enjoyed very much01. Summon Night 3 (Japanese)
02. Devil May Cry
03. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
04. Wild Arms 3, 3rd Advanced
05. Fatal Frame 2 - Crimson Butterfly
06. Transformers
Games I've completed but found okay only01. Kya - Dark Lineage
02. Goblins Commander
03. The Sims - Bustin' Out
04. Growlanser III
05. Castlevania - Lament of Innocence
06. Beyond Good and Evil
07. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Games I can't be bothered to complete nor play01. Legacy of Kain, Blood Omen 2
02. Lifeline
03. Grand Theft Auto 3
04. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
05. Devil May Cry 2
06. Gungrave
07. Silent Hill 2
08. Monster Rancher 4
09. Crimson Sea
10. SNK vs Capcom: Chaos
11. Guilty Gear Isuka
12. King of Fighters 2002
13. King of Fighters 2003
14. Megaman XVII
15. Reign of Fire
16. R-Type Final
17. Zone of Enders
18. Grandia Extreme
Games I bought, want to play, but somehow got distracted01. Hot Shots Golf 4
02. Super Robots Taisen: Alpha (Japanese)
03. Growlanser II
04. Megaman Anniversary Collection
05. Black Matrix II (Japanese)
More to be added when I get back... (Some games removed because I confused with PS2 and PS1 Games)