i got a can of Mr hobby semi-gloss spray not long ago and tried spraying on my MG F91. the effect was nice and i liked it.
today is my 2nd attempt at spraying on my MG Destiny. actually yesterday i already sprayed 1 time. the result was good enough.
but i guess i got carried away and resprayed the base again today as i find that i might have missed some parts. turns out the result was disastrous! some parts are over-sprayed and are left with unsightly white patches and uneven texture.

so the lesson i learnt today was never ever over spray! control is very important if not u will end up like me.

luckily it's only the base, the rest of the parts are ok as i didn't respray them today.
the whole can of semi-gloss got used up totally today as well. probably the result of over spraying since i only sprayed on 2 kits.

gonna be more careful on my next can of spray.